Baltimore Arena Geotechnical Redevelopment and Design

Baltimore Arena Geotechnical - Baltimore Arena Redevelopment

As part of Baltimore City’s effort to develop a new era of entertainment in a renovated Baltimore Arena, otherwise known as Royal Farms Arena, Foundation Test Group, Inc. (FTG) has been pleased to provide the services of Geotechnical Engineering Design and Inspection for the project. Working with both Owner representatives and the General Contractor - Clark Construction, FTG performed site subsurface investigations in the Fall of 2021 to help design newly installed structure foundations that would enhance capacities of existing foundations capable of providing support for the Arena’s overhauled multi-level features.

Navigating in between scheduled comedy shows and concerts before the Arena’s service hiatus began in February 2022, FTG explored the soil conditions within the footprint of the 60+ year old structure using drilled borings, hand-operated dynamic cone penetrometers, and manually excavated test pits through existing slabs. Concrete penetrating radar scanning helped identify safe locations to core slabs and sample soils.

FTG EngineersFTG’s team of engineers experienced in the project region were able to collaborate with team structural designers as the investigation progressed to develop economical deep foundation design options that met schedule demands and contractor capabilities. Test pit excavations were performed to explore conditions and help confirm as-built dimensions of existing structure foundations, which were then taken into consideration for new foundation system design.

Where Arena renovations produced additionally loaded areas requiring deep foundations, micropiles were selected for their ability to achieve high axial capacities within low headroom settings. In coordination with the foundation installer, Keller – North America, a micropile system was designed and proof load test performed on site for verification of the assigned bond zone capacities. FTG continued design services into the project Quality Control phase for inspection of the load testing program and micropile installations.

For more information on how to develop geotechnical design within existing building sites, contact our office to speak with one of our experienced engineers. #FTGbuilds

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Foundation Test Group (FTG) is a certified Women-Owned (WBE) engineering and testing company networked to support design and construction projects for a diverse group of Engineers, Architects and Contractors as well as multiple state and local governments. Our firm seeks new relationships with teaming partners to provide state of the art support in a strong, but niche market.

Foundation Test Group., Inc.
11408 Cronridge Drive, Suite K
Owings Mills, MD 21117
Phone: 410-517-0715 Fax: 410-517-0716