Geotechnical Instrumentation services are tailored uniquely to site specific needs.
FTG can design, install, monitor and analyze all instrumentation types. Our engineers and geologists specialize in geotechnical instrumentation, vibration monitoring, pre-construction surveys and their diversified analyses and applications. FTG, Inc. provides geotechnical instrumentation design, installation, monitoring and analysis services on a routine basis such as tunnels, bridges, slopes, retaining walls, and foundation load tests.
We have experience from small embankments to large fully automated robotic instrumentation systems.
Areas of Expertise:
FTG has extensive expertise in the design, installation, monitoring and analysis of the following geotechnical instrumentation:
- Automated Load Test Systems
- Deep Foundation Services
FTG is Here to Help
We offer more than 15 certified services in the geotechnical engineering industry. From Pre-Construction Surveys to Thermal Integrity Profiling. Search for the service you need or hit us up with our contact button!

- Drone Services
- Earth Pressure Cells
- Environmental Services
- Geophysical Methods
- Geotechnical Services
- Inclinometers (Manual, Automated and Shape Arrays)
- Observation Wells
- Piezometers
- Remote Systems
- Settlement Plates
- Single and Multipoint Borehole Extensometers
- Strain Gauges
- Structural Monitoring Points
- Testing and Analysis
- Tilt Meters
- Vibration Monitoring
Useful Links
Need to know more about Deep Foundation Testing?
Please contact me anytime.
Jeff Goodwin, 410.517.0715
or email