Foundation Test Group has the engineering know-how, experience and equipment for all your load testing needs. Each year we complete over a hundred load tests of different foundation types or test methods. FTG performs load tests on drilled shafts, auger cast in place piles, micropiles, driven piles, anchors and tiebacks. We can either self-perform or design load test programs for most site conditions and requirements.
We utilize load testing as a method of enhancing each of our designs to provide cost effective, time efficient design and construction.
Load Test Design
The most important aspect of foundation load testing design is not being confined to one methodology. We are experienced in the design, performance and analysis of static, dynamic, bi-directional and Statnamic load testing. As a result of this experience, we are uniquely qualified to design the optimal load test for any project need. We routinely take the clients goals for the foundation design and testing, apply the best methodology to maximize test performance and implement cost savings for both the owners and their contractors.
Utilizing this methodology increases efficiency and performance while assuring that the client’s site-specific needs and load capacity requirements are prioritized.
FTG is Here to Help
We offer more than 15 certified services in the geotechnical engineering industry. From Pre-Construction Surveys to Thermal Integrity Profiling. Search for the service you need or hit us up with our contact button!

Foundation Test Group specializes in applied deep foundation axial compression & tension load testing (ASTM D1143 and ASTM D3689). On average we perform over 100 static axial compression and tension load tests per year. Depending on the soil conditions or contract requirements, FTG can perform axial compression or uplift load testing under maintained or quick load test procedures. We have tested all deep foundation types including drilled shafts, driven piles, auger cast piles, helical anchors, hollow core anchors, tiebacks and micropiles. FTG utilizes state of the art automated data loggers to safely and accurately record the load test results and accelerate the load test analysis and reporting process. FTG also incorporates strain gauge data from the load test to fully separate side shear capacity from end bearing and determine the side shear capacity of different soil/rock formations encountered during the foundation installation. Inhouse, FTG can perform static load tests up to 2,000 kips total test capacity. FTG utilizes the results of the load test to help value engineer the most economical foundation solution for the project.
Based on client needs for transportation projects in both Maryland and Virginia we have provided innovative turnkey load testing of existing foundations in confined space environments by tunneling under existing bridge piers to determine the ultimate load carrying capacity of existing foundations installed up to 40 years previously.
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Need to know more about Deep Foundation Testing?
Please contact me anytime.
Jeff Goodwin, 410.517.0715
or email